Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the wedding taking place?

Our celebration will unfold at a private residence of Micheline Beaudry-Somcynsky located at 14 Chemin Philippe in Sainte-Cécile-de-Masham, QC. The venue is nestled in a picturesque setting, providing an intimate and charming backdrop for our special day. To ensure you easily find your way, we recommend using [include any specific directions or landmarks if necessary]. We're thrilled to share this beautiful space with our loved ones and look forward to creating lasting memories together in this unique setting. If you have any further questions about the location, feel free to reach out, and we'll be happy to assist!

What time should I arrive?

We can't wait to celebrate with you! The ceremony will commence at [insert ceremony start time], and we kindly ask guests to arrive about [insert recommended arrival time]. This will give everyone a chance to settle in before the festivities begin. We appreciate your punctuality, and we look forward to welcoming you to share in the joy of our special day!

How do I RSVP?

We're excited to hear from you! Please RSVP by [insert RSVP deadline date] using the RSVP link provided in your invitation. If you prefer, you can also reach out to us directly via phone or email to confirm your attendance. Your response is crucial for our planning, and we can't wait to know if you'll be joining us on this memorable occasion.

When should I RSVP by?

To ensure we can make all the necessary arrangements and provide the best experience for our guests, we kindly request that you RSVP by [insert RSVP deadline date]. This will give us ample time to finalize details and make sure everything is in place for your enjoyment. We appreciate your prompt response and can't wait to celebrate with you!

Does your wedding have a theme?

Our wedding is inspired by three themes: fantasy, vintage and autumn which reflects our shared passions and personalities. From the decor to the color scheme, you'll notice elements that embody the spirit of fantasy and vintage. While we encourage you to embrace the theme if you'd like, there's no strict dress code associated with it. We're excited to share this special day with you and hope you enjoy the unique and personalized touches that make our celebration truly memorable. If you have any questions about the theme or need more information, feel free to reach out.

What is the dress code?

Cocktail to semiformal



Fantasy, Vintage, and Autumn

Key Words



